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My health issues started to show up at the age of 17 when I was covered from head to toe in Psoriasis. In my 20's I suffered with debilitating (stage 4) Endometriosis that caused excruciating pain and left me in hospital, on morphine every 5 weeks for years before I was finally diagnosed.   At the age of 28, although I didn't know it at the time, I had my first Multiple Sclerosis relapse following the birth of my first daughter.  I was diagnosed 6 years later after my second relapse when my third child was 2 years old.  Hyperthyroidism was diagnosed shortly after.  


Fear &anxiety

These are feelings I became very aware of after my diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis - an 'incurable' condition that can affect almost every part of your body.  Every day life was overwhelming and living in a constant state of fight or flight and fear was something I could no longer sustain.   As I spent countless mornings praying for the days to end, before they had even started, I decided that something had to change for the sake of my family and me.  Chronic fatigue, brain fog, heat intolerance, dizziness and numbness, amongst other symptoms were a part of my life by then, and I was at first unable to see my way out of the survival mode.  My determined nature pushed me through, and to my limit. 


Wake .up call

My wake-up call came when I was physically, and mentally unable to look after my own children.  The independent me and asking for help did not sit well.   As I built up my knowledge on what had worked for others dealing with MS, and as I started to try different things I saw a difference.  These changes led to big improvements in my symptoms and the lesions on my MRI brain scan. My friends and family witnessed me throwing the kitchen sink at my recovery, as I tried anything, and everything from switching the bed around to face the 'right' direction, to acupuncture, and many things in-between.  The biggest change was being courageous enough to ask for help and create space for me, which was a challenge for 'miss independent' with three young children!



The little changes made the biggest difference, and as I changed my mindset and built up the courage to let go of control, everything changed.  For a while I would lose the use of my legs when my body overheated. I now run three times a week (even in the heat), I can dance, play squash, concentrate again and more importantly, I have the energy to spend time with my kids, and not just get through the days,  actually enjoy my days.  The impact on mental wellbeing is huge when something in your life changes and uncertainly hits.  Recognising that, and becoming aware of you and the choices you have to change your perception of it can make a huge difference.  The whole chemistry in my brain changed, my lesions have shrunk significantly (as shown on my last MRI brain scan) and as I continue on my mental fitness journey, I am delighted to be in a position to support those wanting to discover the difference that will make a difference in their lives.


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